The Baby Snatcher, 1924
Home | Feature Stories | The Baby Snatcher, 1924.

Scene of where baby Corinne Modell was kidnapped. Modell’s Upholstery Store at 116 South Sixtieth Street, Philadelphia.
It was a happy mother who wheeled Baby Corinne Modell’s perambulator (baby carriage) to the front of the Modell’s Upholstery Store at 116 South Sixtieth Street, Philadelphia, the afternoon of May 5th, 1924.
Corinne, ten weeks old had easily won the blue ribbon at a neighborhood baby contest. Admiring neighbors gathered to pay tribute to the chubby little Miss who had been proclaimed queen of her neighborhood’s babyland. They laughed in delight as she gurgled approval of their caresses.
Honors rest lightly upon babies, however, as Corinne soon demonstrated.
For while a few neighbors still lingered, she closed her eye and was soon off to that land of slumber known only to babies.
“Mama,” Corinne’s father said to his wife, Eva, “It is such a nice warm day that I think we should let baby sleep out here. It will do her good. [In other words, they left her unattended in front of the store in the baby carriage.]”
Mr. and Mrs. Modell entered their store. It was then about 1:30 P.M.
A half hour later, Mrs. Modell emerged. She went to the baby carriage and peered under its hood to see if the child was still sleeping.
She gasped in horror at what she beheld. Then, realizing what had occurred, she screamed.
The baby was missing! She had vanished as though some evil spirit, jealous of the honors bestowed upon her, had spirited her away.
In the place where she had been resting lay a lifeless, was doll.
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Posted: Jason Lucky Morrow - Writer/Founder/Editor, March 26th, 2014 under Feature Stories.